Become a PRBrics Pre-beta tester and you will receive premium service for FREE:

Limited spots still available! (24/100)

Apply Now
  • Get business news/promotions published to over 400 high-authority news media outlets.
  • Your business submitted to over 70 world leading indexes.
  • Get business news/promotions delivered to relevant media outlets, journalists, and social media discussions.
  • Receive access to our social media monitoring tools, where you can observe the response of the audiences, detect potential clients, and analyse competitors.
  • Get a stronger online appearance, leading to exposure and leads generation.

We will need the following information:

  • Type of business (service, shop, online, private practice, manufacture etc.)
  • Website
  • List with social accounts and Google my business listing
  • Keywords about your business
  • Do you have any ongoing/planed promotions?
  • Do you have analytics installed on your website?

  • PRBrics will select the applicants based on criteria that best fit the company’s goals.
  • Once accepted as an applicant you are required to provide us with access to the analytics of your official website(s) to monitor the impact our campaign.
  • If chosen as one of our Pre-beta testers, you are not in any way committed to subscribing to our services in the future.
  • If you want to apply or If you are having any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at