$499/M1 month
Reach-out to up to 500 relevant journalists, bloggers, media outlets and influencers
Get your news delivered to selected journalists, bloggers and influencers from our database of over 1.5 million media contacts and outlets.
Published on 300+ News Media Outlets
Get your news published on over 300 high-authority news media outlets.
Business Listing Feature
Your business will be featured on over 70 US indexes, including Yahoo Business, Yelp and more.
Access to Social Media Managing Dashboard
You will receive access to Goulash – a social media managing dashboard where you can schedule publications, keywords monitoring, detect potential new clients and more.
$399/M3 month
Reach-out to up to 1000 relevant journalists, bloggers, media outlets and influencers
Get your news delivered to selected journalists, bloggers and influencers from our database of over 1.5 million media contacts and outlets.
Published on 300+ News Media Outlets
Get your news published on over 300 high-authority news media outlets.
Business Listing Feature
Your business will be featured on over 70 US indexes, including Yahoo Business, Yelp and more.
Access to Social Media Managing Dashboard
You will receive access to Goulash – a social media managing dashboard where you can schedule publications, keywords monitoring, detect potential new clients and more.
$349/M6 Months
Reach-out to up to 1500 relevant journalists, bloggers, media outlets and influencers
Get your news delivered to selected journalists, bloggers and influencers from our database of over 1.5 million media contacts and outlets.
Published on 300+ News Media Outlets
Get your news published on over 300 high-authority news media outlets.
Business Listing Feature
Your business will be featured on over 70 US indexes, including Yahoo Business, Yelp and more.
Access to Social Media Managing Dashboard
You will receive access to Goulash – a social media managing dashboard where you can schedule publications, keywords monitoring, detect potential new clients and more.